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Eprims Co., Ltd, founded in 2017 engaged B2B logistics, IT development, manufacture, online shopping mall business between Germany, Vietnam, Korea.


EPRIMSHOP from EPRIMES aims to be a premium shopping mall which try to make sure high quality, reasonable price and fast delivery to satisfy the customers


EPRIEMS try to give best satisfaction of customer's value, ​success of cooperative partners, and happiness of colleague.


We would like to work, share, and be happy together in our journey. Then to look forward to bright 10 years, I would like to spend furious and precious time with you together.

Even it's hard to walk on sweet way every time, but we'll try to do our best to make new wave in hard condition.

© Copyright © 2017 Eprimes  All rights reserved.  Everything, reinvented !!!

통신판매업 제2018-서울금천-0310호 | 화장품책임판매업 제37650호 | 수입식품등 인터넷구매대행업 20172820925|수입식품등 수입판매업 제20172821229호 | 건강기능식품영업허가 2017-0288792|의료기기판매업 제1536호

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#802, 75-24 Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea 

Representative Cho Ik Hyun

Business Registration Number 312-88-00819 Mail Order business report number 제2018-서울금천-0310호 

Personal Information Manager Cho Ik Hyun

Representative number 1577-2587 Email

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